How to prep your furniture for paint

How to prep your furniture for paint

Prep is one of the questions I get asked the most.  It’s also the most important question.  The truth is, if you don’t prep correctly, your paint job may fail.  It can look great at first and then over time it can chip off.  So the truth is, it’s...
Weathered Wood Look Using Fusion Mineral Paint

Weathered Wood Look Using Fusion Mineral Paint

When I posted my space on my Facebook page I did not expect everyone to go crazy over my dining table.  Yes, I love it too, but the feedback over the table was pretty overwhelming.  The big question was “Did you paint it?” Followed by “What color did you use?”  So...
How to save shoes with Fusion Mineral Paint

How to save shoes with Fusion Mineral Paint

Ok friends, this is probably going to be the easiest thing you will ever do and will give you such gratification.  My daughter loves her Van’s shoes.  They are made out of Canvas and as you might already know, pick up stains easily.  Now you can go ahead and buy...