February Updates from Painted

February Updates from Painted

Welcome to a new month!  I’m happy to be offering more items on my website this month so you have a better opportunity to find things you love to decorate your home.  I know some of you live in areas where it’s hard to find vintage décor or you might just...
How to save shoes with Fusion Mineral Paint

How to save shoes with Fusion Mineral Paint

Ok friends, this is probably going to be the easiest thing you will ever do and will give you such gratification.  My daughter loves her Van’s shoes.  They are made out of Canvas and as you might already know, pick up stains easily.  Now you can go ahead and buy...
It’s all about the Fusion Blues

It’s all about the Fusion Blues

So let’s talk the color Blue today.  I will be the first to admit that I am a total fan of the blue shades in the Fusion Mineral Paint line up.  My favorite would have to be Homestead Blue.  It has grey and muted teal undertones and I think it pairs beautifully...